Mapping of Indonesia’s National Laws and Regional Regulations That Violate Human Rights of Women and LGBTIQ People
Publish Date
January 13, 2017
This report maps the legal framework in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) rights and women’s rights in Indonesia are curtailed. It is part of a project on Increasing Access to Justice for LGBTI Communities in Indonesia that Outright International and its Indonesian partners, Arus Pelangi, Kemitraan and LGBTI activists in 8 Indonesian provinces have been working on since 2015.
The purpose of this report is to be an advocacy tool for Indonesian activists and allies for human rights, women’s rights and LGBTIQ rights. It is laid out to give specific legal information and analysis regarding national laws and regional level legal regulations passed by provincial legislatures and governments. The report provides general historic background of Indonesia’s legal processes as context for understanding the proliferation of regional regulations.
Two important annexes in the Legal Mapping Report trace the use of media to spread hate and intolerance in the 2016 campaign of homophobia in Indonesia and the views of Indonesian politicians, other public figures and religious leaders who have taken strong positions on LGBTI groups. Check out also the Media Mapping Report (available in English and Indonesian), produced by Kemitraan, a national good governance and government reform organization. You can also watch the videos below that features the lived realities of LGBTI in the provinces. The videos were produced for the Increasing Access To Justice For LGBTI Communities in Indonesia project.

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