News Article
Neela Ghoshal Wrote an Op-Ed: Uganda’s Nondiscrimination Assurances Won’t Protect Queer People From Prosecution
Outright’s Senior Director of Law, Policy & Research, Neela Ghoshal wrote an Op-Ed for the Washington Blade titled: Uganda’s nondiscrimination assurances won’t protect queer people from prosecution.
In this Op-Ed, Outright International’s Neela Ghoshal discusses how Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act enshrines discrimination in the law and contradicts the Ministry of Health’s assurances of providing health services without discrimination. The Ministry of Health claims to provide health services without prejudice, but the law supersedes these assurances. Neela points out that the government of Uganda has a history of making contradictory statements to appease international donors. The article highlights the violence and discrimination faced by LGBTQ individuals in Uganda, including arbitrary arrests, abuse, evictions, and denial of health services.
Read the full piece here.

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