News Article
IGLHRC's Africa Program Coordinator, Monica Mbaru and Chivuli Ukwimi were quoted in CNN's "This Just In"
"This ruling is the most recent in a line of deeply troubling decisions and actions by the Malawian authorities in this case," said a statement from Chivuli Ukwimi of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's office in Cape Town, South Africa.
All the examinations were conducted without the consent of the men, said Human Rights Watch. The exams violated the rights of the two men protected under Malawi's constitution, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, said Monica Mbaru, Africa program coordinator for The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC).
Mbaru said the case has far reaching consequences in a nation - like so many others in Africa - struggling to overcome HIV and AIDS while enforcing harsh punishment for at-risk gay men engaging in sodomy.

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