Code of Conduct
Outright is committed to ensuring that our events are a safe, open, respectful, supporting and empowering space. By joining our events, participants agree to adhering to the following principles:
- Interact and engage respectfully. We welcome differences in opinion, disagreement and opposing viewpoints, as they contribute to a healthy debate and lead to more thorough outcomes. However, differing and opposing opinions must be expressed respectfully.
- Be mindful of multiple lived experiences. Participants of our events come from all over the world, spanning the LGBTIQ community, from differing social and economic backgrounds, with drastically different lived experiences and a myriad of ways of dealing with the challenges they face on a day to day basis. Participants should strive to engage with others without judgment, presumptions about others' identities, status or intentions.
- Use inclusive language. Pay attention to how people want to be referred to, what their pronouns are, and use inclusive language. Any language that disrespects anyone on the basis of their gender identity or expression will not be tolerated.
- Be patient. Speakers and participants will be joining from across the world, with varying internet and other technology speeds and qualities. It may take people longer to share their content, there may be connectivity issues, and drop offs. Please be patient with each other and Outright through this process.
- Be conscious of people’s safety. Participants are joining our events from countries across the world, including from places where same-sex relations are criminalized, or where internet censorship and monitoring takes place. In light of the pandemic, participants may also be calling in from unsafe home environments. Do not ask people to reveal their full names or ask them to turn on cameras if they are not comfortable doing so. Do not quote or photograph anyone without their permission.
- Challenge inappropriate or offensive behavior, including, but not limited to, harassment, bullying, verbal violence, LGBTI-phobia, classism, ageism, ableism, racism, misogyny, heterosexism and other oppressions. Inappropriate or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
What actions is Outright taking to create a safe space
- Outright will have at least two staff members present at every event.
- Staff will monitor spoken and written communication, respond to any requests, and strive to ensure the space remains safe and respectful.
- We will look out for inappropriate comments, sharing of links or other content which does not respect the spirit of the space we are trying to correct, and address any inappropriate comments made live.
How you can help us to keep this space safe
Despite our best efforts, we may not notice all infractions. Your help in identifying actions that go against the above-mentioned principles is welcomed and appreciated. If you experience or witness disrespectful, offensive or otherwise inappropriate behavior you should notify the Outright representatives in the session immediately please notify us immediately by emailing comms@outrightinternational.org with as much information as possible (including but not limited to your name, the name of the offender, a description of the situation and the infraction made).
What will we do in the case of a breach?
If opinions are expressed in a less than respectful manner, our organizers will issue individual participants one warning. If the warning is not heeded the organizers reserve the right to remove any participants from the platform and remaining activities.
Thank you for helping us create an inclusive and respectful event for all.